Monday 25 January 2010

It's Hard To Samba In Clogs

Wymondham College Res 5 - 1 Norwich Hotspur 

The post match banter was somewhat subdued this week. No one could really understand how we had lost this game and moreover how we had lost 5-1, having beaten them twice last season.  So in the end we all agreed that these were the main points for consideration.
  1. On balance we created as many chances as them, theirs went in, ours didn't.   
  2. The pitch was in parts almost unplayable, particularly in the goalmouths where the mud was literally ankle deep, making it impossible to play our usual samba style brand of football.
  3. Their referee, wasn't a referee and was just some bloke they know with a whistle.
  4. Their linesman, sorry assistant referee, was a blatant cheat, disallowing a perfectly good goal.
  5. We got out clogged by a bunch of cloggers.
We had a pretty strong squad out for this game and I was expecting a strong performance, but it just didn't happen.

The starting line up looked good, Ian in goal, back four of Birdy, Chris Manley, Tinky and Shutout Arnold, a classy looking midfield of Gazza D, Rob Miller, Jonny Earl and Cushy and the now infamous strike force of AJ Crouch and Jermaine Baylis.

An impressive bench was packed with experience, guile and athletic prowess - Guz, Nige, Kitty, Tim and me. 

First Half

We started OK, with probably the best of the first 10 minutes, without creating much in terms of chances, except one nice move which resulted in Jermaine Baylis rising well to meet a cross and power a header, off the corner of his buscuit in head back towards the surprised Cushy from whence it came, much to the delight and derision of the Hotspur substitutes.

It was then that things started to go wrong.  Some sloppy defending from a Wymondham throw in saw the ball drop in our box, which we failed to clear and a Wymondham forward managed to poke the ball over the line. 1-0.

It was 2-0 soon after.  A far post header from a corner was again not defended well, but to be fair to Rob Miller it probably should have been a foul as Mr Angry climbed all over him - next time Rob throw yourself on the floor screaming merry hell, like what I do, to get the refs attention.

Then we started to play a bit and got one back with AJ latching onto a long ball over the top, good first touch, calmly rounding the keeper and then tucked the ball into the net with a smart finish. 2-1, come on you Spurs.

Off came AJ, Jonny and Daryl, on went Guz, Nige and Kitty.

For the rest of the half we had Wymondham under the cosh, although we were still finding it hard to get any sort of rythym or consistency to our play.  We should have equalised following a game of stuck in the mud goalmouth scramble, but somehow the ball managed to stay out after at least 3 of our players should have scored, Rob Miller with the last touch poking it wide when it seemed easier to score, although having later seen the state of the goalmouth, you are forgiven Rob, just.

Half Time, 2-1.

Tim and I came on for Birdy and Chris Manley for the 2nd half.   Surely, we'd find some form and take the victory that should be ours.  No we didn't and no we didn't.

Again we started the half reasonably well without creating too much, and then got hit with a sucker punch on the break as Wymondham made it 3-1 with a well struck shot that Ian got a good hand on but couldn't stop it creeping inside the far post.

It should have been 3-2 a few minutes later, however their linesman gave Nigel offside after he followed up a Guz header that came back off the bar.   The ref gave the goal, then their players appealed, then their linesman sort of put his flag up.  A long chat with the ref, resulted in the goal being disallowed for offside, with the claim that Nigel had been in an offside position when Guz had headed the ball, which was simply not the case - anyone who knows Nigel will tell you that he is physically incapable of getting ahead of the ball. Cheating so and so's.

That took the wind out of our sails a bit.  I honestly think if that goal hadn't been disallowed, we'd have gone on and won comfortably.  Instead, we missed chance after chance, some unlucky (me, Cushy), some just crap finishing (Cushy, AJ, Guz), meanwhile Wymondham went up the other end and scored another two. 

Full Time, 5-1.

Not much else to say really, it just didn't happen for us. Our samba beat was flat. We'll just have to put it right in the return fixture.  I should mention a rather impressive mud slide from Nigel following one particularly aggressive sliding tackle causing a mini tsunami last seen heading towards Morley.


  1. Doy(5) - not his usual commanding self, probably disappointed not to have stopped a couple of the goals
  2. Bird(5) - all the usual commitment and energy, first touch looked a rusty
  3. Manley(5) - didn't enjoy the conditions and was unusually lacking bite in the tackle at times
  4. Tink(6) - probably the best defender on the day, but below his usual high standards
  5. Arnold(5) - very difficult pitch conditions to deal with, can do much better 
  6. Davies(6) - worked really hard, difficult conditions for a tricky winger
  7. Miller(5) - struggled to make an impact on the game, still think he should have scored
  8. Earl(5) - worked hard but didn't impose himself as he did in the last game
  9. Cushion(5) - unusually below par performance, still playing catch up after injury
  10. Jennings*(7) - worked hard, well taken goal
  11. Baylis(6) - definately not his sort of pitch, remember Aylsham last year? Hope he's not a Chesney
  12. Walters(6) - unlucky not to score with a magnificent diving header, showed good pace at times
  13. Guzewich(6) - worked hard, moaned hard, unlucky with that header
  14. Kitson(5) - got found out a couple of times chasing back, distribution not good at times
  15. Death(6) - got stuck in, should have had a goal, one too many farter flicks for my liking - cut it out
  16. Culling(5) - showed good commitment, found conditions difficult

* managers man of the match

Overall Team Rating (a generous 6)

Perhaps the long break since the last game was a factor in making this look and feel like a pre-season friendly performance.  We never really got going and when we did, missed chances and dodgy decisions knocked us back again.  Oh well, its just a game and it's a good excuse to get out for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon and pretend to be younger and fitter than we really are.

Head Coach Director of Football Manager
Norwich Hotspur

Thursday 17 December 2009

Strong Men Wear Pink

Norwich Hotspur 4 - 0 Solebay
Newman 2, Davies, Guzewich (at last)

So this was different, over 40's only in this match, in the appropriately if slightly inconsiderately named Senior Cup. Some say this is veterans football in its purest form, the way it should, what makes Britain great and all that.

I had to scramble around a bit to get a squad together and we ended up with 12 on the day, which I was a bit worried about until Solebay turned up with only the bare 11. Psychological advantage to us.

Having given them the once over as you do as they disembarked their mini bus I decided we definitely had the edge in physical prowess, things were looking good.

New signing Jonny Earl was in the starting line up and by the state of his boots he had played a bit before and it was great to have last years player of the season Cushy back after a freak street dancing injury had kept him out since the beginning of the season.

It was nice to have Chris Manley back in the centre of defence with myself, Kitty and Coxy making up the back four. Midfield looked particulary strong with Gazza Davies on the right, Nige and Jonny in the middle and Cushy on the left. Up front we had a new youthful looking over forty pairing of Guzzy and Steve Newman, in a sort of Torres and Gerard setup. Big Ken Rooney provided a potent option on the bench.

First Half

The first 25 minutes or so were reasonably tight, although we were never really under any real pressure, creating and missing a few chances. We managed a few long range shots which were quite frankly rubbish.

Then we made a well deserved break through. Some good work down the right found stand in striker/attacking midfielder Steve Newman who fooled the keeper into thinking he was going to cross and instead powered in a shot at the near post. A piece of masterful deception.

Steve then made way for Big Kev who immediately linked up with Guzzy, their awareness of each others positioning is amazing to watch. At any given moment Guzzy knows exactly where Kev is, it's quite uncanny.

Before long it was 2-0. At last Guzzy managed to get a shot on target - the first one this year I think, which the keeper did well to save, but the ball broke free and quick as a dog can lick a dish Gazza D pounced to poke the ball into the net.

Before the half ended we were treated to another sublime piece of skill from the reportoire of Big Ken Rooney. Guzzy without even looking (uncanny I know), slipped a defence splitting ball through to Kev. He was in the clear with nothing but 40 yards of clear air between him and the Solebay goalkeeper. Of course we all expected Kev to simply take the ball in his stride and burst into the box at pace and go round the keeper and tuck the ball away for 3-0. Oh no, that would have been far too easy for our Kev, who unknowingly to the rest of us had already spotted that the keeper had strayed marginally off his line and therefore instead tried the most audacious chip from distance which only just cleared the bar. I know Kev has a wonder goal in him and sooner or later we are going to see it.

Half Time, 2-0.

The second half pretty much followed the same pattern as the first. It felt as though we were in control for most of the half, however Solebay did have a few moments which required a few desperate clearances from Kitty and Chris Manley and a couple of excellent saves from our keeper Ian Doy.

I was especially pleased for Ian as it turned out that it was 10 years to the day that Ian first took part in the gay pride march, which I know he is very proud of, as we discovered later when he showed off his 10 year anniversary pants.

However soon the game was over as a contest, after the Solebay keeper miskicked and presented Guzzy with an open goal which he duly took with a decent finish to make it 3-0 and then some great work by Gazza D found Steve Newman on the edge of the box and his first time effort flew into the net past an unsuspecting keeper who I think was expecting a cross. A piece of masterful deception.

Full Time, 4-0.


Doy(8) - some great saves, really consistent kicking, dodgy pants
Cox(7) - nice and steady, looked after his ageing winger well
Walters(7) - solid and confident with the ball at his feet, showed good pace at times
Manley*(8) - epitomy of none shall pass in more ways than one
Kitson(8) - his best game of the season so far
Davies(7) - usual high flying dynamic wing play, poachers goal
Death(6) - not at his best, but a good solid performance, lacked discipline at times
Earl(8) - a great debut, could be a real asset to the squad
Cushion(7) - great to have him back, usual tireless work rate
Guzewich**(5) - at last a goal
Newman(8) - best performance of the season, couple of nice goals
Blazer(7) - put in a good shift and nearly scored a wonder goal

* managers man of the match
** 2 points deducted to 'shandygate' incident in Ali's

Overall Team Rating (8)

A very enjoyable game, we competed well, played some good stuff going forward, took our chances, defended excellently and thoroughly deserved our victory. Looking forward to the next round, I think we could do well in this cup with a number of 'seniors' to return to bolster the squad.

Head Coach Director of Football Manager
Norwich Hotspur

Sunday 22 November 2009

Twice In A Day - Would You Believe It

Norwich Hotspur 9 (nine) - 1 Hethersett Athletic
Baylis 4, Death 2 (1 pen), Jennings, Miles, Davies

Sunday 22nd November a team named Hotspur beat a team named Athletic 9 - 1. The team called Hotspur had a quick coloured forward and a very white 6ft 8in bean pole as their strike partnership. The quickie scored a hatfull and the bean pole also scored one. I think the coincidences probably end there, unless Tottenham have a few fat blokes the wrong side of 40 playing for them these days. However, I think it is rather uncanny nonetheless.

Of course Nigel could have spoilt things in more ways than one if he had taken his one on one to make it ten, and worse complete his hatrick.

To prove I haven't made this up here is the Tottenham match report, For the Norwich Hotspur match report, read on.

After the embarrassment of the last game it was vital I got a reaction from the players. We had made a good start in the league and we needed a win to keep our title ambitions alive but more importantly we needed to restore some pride to the team and ourselves as sportsmen.

Back into the squad came Baylis, Tinky, Shane and the long awaited return from paternal duties of Gazza D. We also had some new blood in the formidable shape of Neil 'No Nonsense' Johnson. Missing was Big Ken Rooney and Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' (and of late Missin') Paul Guzewich.

With Guz out I decided to play Baylis up front and jokingly put him up on the board as Heskey, with Crouch (AJ) making up the front two. What a masterstroke this turned out to be, little did I know that I should have crossed out Heskey and written in Defoe!

Baylis won the toss - hurrah, at last! We decided to stay as we were with the wind and sun at our backs.

First Half

The first 15 mins were, arguably the best football that NHFC have ever played. The passing and moving was awesome and we were 3-0 up before Hethersett had hardly touched the ball. The goals coming from Baylis, AJ and Gazza D all great finishes.

Then Baylis, aka Defoe, took over and bagged another couple before half time. What is most remarkable about this that they were all quality finishes. If you've ever seen Chris play before you will know that he possesses many talents on a football field but finding the onion bag is not one of them - to date he has a collection of scuffs, pokes, prods and his signature finish - the far post closed eyes point blank header.

Nigel completed the first half rout with a well taken penalty, taken well enough that meant even though the keeper got a good hand on it, Nigel was relieved to see the net ripple thereby maintaining his lifetime 100% spot kick record (not sure I believe that, but it makes him feel good about himself).

The only blemish on an almost perfect first half was my yellow card for a rather poorly timed tackle on their gobby no.11, but boy didn't I enjoy taking him out, well worth the fine.

Half Time, 6-0.

The second half was a little trickier as the wind was now agin us and not for us. However, we still played some good stuff and added a further 3 goals to our tally, while only conceding 1, after a slightly dodgy penalty was awarded against Tim Nice But Dim. By the way, Doysy after a penalty the ball goes back to the centre circle for a kick off, not a goal kick!

On for the second half were Shane and Neil and both put in good performances, Shane topping his off with a really well taken goal, reminiscent of Chris Waddle at his best. Neil topped off his performance by lumping into gobby no.11 again, whose afternoon was not going well.

Baylis picked up his 4th and Nigel smashed home his 2nd after some silky skills on the edge of the box by yours truly.

Full Time, 9-1.

There is one more notable incident worth mentioning. Even though he scored four, there is something else that Mr Baylis would want me to write about. It was late in the game, Hethersett had been run ragged and we were still looking full of running.

Especially Mr B. He picked the ball up half way on the left mid way in their half. Off he went on a mazy run slicing through the Hettersett defence, think John Barness in the Maracana, however unlike Barnes our Mr B didn't roll his foot sublimely over the ball to put the keeper on his back side, before cooly slotting the ball into the back of the net and then wheeling away to accept the adulation of his team mates, no our Mr B rolled his foot over the ball, then stumbled, then stumbled again and before losing control only for it to be cleared by the Hethersett defence. He did wheel away towards his team mates, but adulation is not what awaited him, more like cackling hyenas I would say.

Anyway for the full effect, watch this and then imagine John Barness tripping over at the last minute - Chris Baylis it might have been the best goal you will never score.


Doy(8) - solid with a couple of great saves, excellent kicking in difficult conditions
Bird(8) - works like a trojan from beginning to end, good distribution, particulary into the box
Walters(7) - one of his quieter games, booked for a mistimed tackle, showed good pace at times
Tink(8) - usual commanding performance, led the line well
Arnold(8) - showed why he is called 'shutout' today, nothing got passed him
Davies(9) - worked really hard, showed real quality on the flank, great to have him back
Miller(8) - best performance to date, a driving force through the middle
Death(8) - a presence in the middle and chipped in with a couple of goals
Kitson(7) - worked hard and provided some quality crosses from the left
Jennings(8) - caused lots of trouble up front and combined well with Baylis
Baylis*(10) - superb performance, quality finishes, worked hard
Johnson(7) - very solid debut, strong in the tackle
Miles(8) - really good, calm on the ball and used it well, great finish for his goal
Culling(7) - did a job, unlucky to concede a penalty

Overall Team Rating (9)

Brilliant team performance, a hatfull of goals and some really good pass and move football, considering the difficult weather conditions. Stood up to the physical challenge both in terms of fitness and the opponents. You make me very proud (wipes a little tear from his eye, mainly due to the lump of mud still in it - honest).

Head Coach Director of Football Manager
Norwich Hotspur

Thursday 22 October 2009

It was so bad I had to bake

Alysham 10 (ten) - 0 Norwich Hotspur

Last time this happened I was 11. There is nothing I can say about this game, and if I did I'd probably regret it and fall out with some of my beloved fellow Hotpurs!

So instead here is an excellent recipe for key lime pie.


375g/12oz plain or sweetmeal digestive biscuits, crushed
150g/5oz unsalted butter
grated zest and juice of 8 large limes
570ml/1 pint double cream
1 x 397g/14oz can sweetened condensed milk

To Decorate:
crystalized lime zest


1. Melt the butter in a small pan and stir in the crushed biscuits. Lightly press into the base of a 23cm/9in deep loosed-bottomed fluted flan tin. Chill whilst preparing the filling.
2. To prepare the filling: place the lime juice into a large bowl, add the cream and condensed milk. Whisk for 1-2 minutes. Add the lime zest and lightly stir. Pour into the prepared biscuit base. Place onto a tray and chill for 1-2 hours.
3. Decorate with crystalized lime zest and serve.

To make the crystalized lime zest: wash and dry 2 whole limes and peel with a swivel vegetable peeler. Using a sharp knife cut the peel into thin matchstick-sized strips. Blanch in boiling water for 1 minute. Drain and refresh in cold water. Place 50g/2oz caster or granulated sugar into a small pan with enough boiling water to cover. Bring to the boil and heat until it reaches the hard crack stage at 180C/350F. Add the lime zest and remove from the heat. Stir well and pour into a metal sieve over a bowl. As the sugar cools separate the lime zest with a fork and allow to cool completely. When cool remove the lime zest from the sieve and rub off the excess hard sugar. Use as required in the key lime pie recipe.

Head Coach Director of Football Manager
Norwich Hotspur

Sunday 11 October 2009

Beaten in bandit territory

West Lynn 3 - 1 Norwich Hotspur
(Death (pen))

West Lynn away was never going to be an easy place to go. New to the league, they had won both their games by eight clear goals, however I thought with a little bit of luck we might get a result.

Tiny changing rooms, not designed for 15 big lads, we had to change in shifts.

Big pitch, nice and flat, a bit windy but no excuses with the conditions.

Daryl 'Shut Out' Arnold making his debut at left back, in the absence of the toy throwing L P Kitson.

First Half

Deathy was skipper this week, and duly won the toss, giving us the first half advantage of wind at our backs.

We were under pressure for most of the first half, they were a good side with some very mobile players up front, however the Hotspur defence of Arnold, Tink, Walters, Culling and Doy stood firm.

Couple of breaks by us could have seen us going into the lead, but alas our shooting boots were not with us.

Like the great Arsenal defences of old we all stepped up with our hands in the air and shouted "he's off" in perfect unison - only problem is, he wasn't and duly nipped in and scored with a good finish, 1-0 down.

Second Half

Culling, Jennings & Death make way for Oakley, Cox & Miles.

Didn't start well for us and we could have been a couple more behind, but West Lynn wasted their chances.

Then we had a spell. Following a whipped in corner, Walters & Guzewich challenging, panic in the West Lynn defence - handball, penalty - slotted home cooly by Death, 1-1.

Ding dong merrily on high for a while and both slides slugged it out.

West Lynn go 2-1 ahead after some good play.

Blazer on for Baylis.

Corner from the left, flicked on, ball drops to Blazer, who smelts one on the volley, it must be the equaliser, a strike of purest footballing technique rarely seen outside of the Premiership, balance, grace, power, precision - bugger it hit the post and bar and flew across the face of goal to safety.

Baylis back for Bird.

More Hotspur pressure.

More chances.

More misses.

Baylis & Guzewich hang your heads in shame, Baylis your head should be a little more hung than Guzzys to be fair - and yes it was an open goal!

10 minutes to go, 3-1 to West Lynn after they floated one on the wind over Doy while he back peddled.

Final score, West Lynn 3 -1 Norwich Hotspur.


Doy* (8) - excellent kicking, and one 'match of the day credits' save to note
Culling (7) - much improved, his best half of the season by far, some excellent covering across
Walters (6) - good positional play, a threat in the opposition box, showed good pace at times
Tink (6) - very solid performance, stood up to the physical challenge well, good covering
Arnold (7) - very good debut, looks like a great addition to the team
Baylis (6) - lacked the finishing touch, otherwise good
Bird (6) - harried the WL midfield superbly, great energy, passing let him down at times
Death (6) - worked hard, marshalled the midfield, good pen
Miller (7) - Mr consistency, very solid defencively and good going forward
Miles (6) - great distribution when in possession, needs to get on the ball more
Guzewich (6) - slightly off sorts, really needs a goal
Jennings (6) - worked hard, unlucky with some of his touches
Oakley (5) - one great touch - literally one touch
Cox (6) - filled in well at fullback following Oakleys early withdrawal
Blazer (6) - that volley could have made him a legend

Overall Team Rating (7)

I think we would have been delighted with a draw, we battled well against a quality side and with a bit of luck and ruthlessness in front of goal we might have got a result. However, lots of positives to take from the game and I look forward to the return fixture.

Next up is Aylsham away in the County Cup - we owe them one.

Head Coach Director of Football Manager
Norwich Hotspur

Monday 28 September 2009

The Double Is On

Norwich Hotspur 5 - 2 Archant
(Death, Jennings, Miller, Newman, o.g.)

Our first ever cup victory means that a league & cup double is very much a reality this season.

Ian 'Hamster' Cresswell, the Freddy Starr looky likey ref was late.

Guzzy won the toss, pitch was even harder underfoot than 2 weeks ago, but at least no wind.

Starting formation was a solid looking 4-4-2 from the start, big guns Baylis & Death waiting in the wings for the game to open up.

First half.

Frantic first 20 minutes with the ball bouncing all over the place, Hotspurs having trouble finding their rythym.

Unlucky deflection leaves Walters & Manley flat footed and punchy Archant No.9 capitalises on the loose ball, 0-1.

After that Hotspurs start to find their feet, Baylis and Death come on for Miles and Newman.

Lots of pressure on the Archant goal, Hotspurs looking dangerous at set pieces.

Corner on the left, Walters makes a good challenge, ball drops (eventually) to Death who powers home with his left foot from close range, 1-1.

Should have had a penalty after Baylis had burst into the box only to have his shirt lifted, Ref blew whistle and awarded a ........ indirect freekick, hey? Apparently it wasn't a malicious shirt pull and therefore not a penalty - f*****g idiot.

Oakley, Blazer & Cox join the fray to see us through to half time.

Second half.

We totally dominated the second half our smart use of rotation tactics and fresher legs really paid dividends.

Four goals without reply left us 5-1 and cruising.

1. Kerpow - whipped cross from Death shinner into his own net from Archant full back, and no Deathy you cannot claim it.
2. Bish - Newman burst into the box and powered one into the far top corner, just like Stevie G, and no I never had a doubt unlike some as the pub talk would have it.
3. Bash - Miller from 30 yards, one touch, half volley, keeper off his line, lovely, and no it wasn't an overhit pass as the pub talk would have it.
4. Bosh - Jenning from 30 inches, following more set piece pressure, an no it wasn't going in as the pub talk would have it.

From there onwards it was just a case of seeing it through to the end, they scored one after some powder puff defending and their punchy No.9 got sent off for having a swipe at Freddy Starr.


Doy (7) - comanding in the box, kicks much better
Bird (7) - very busy in midfield, great going forward, lacked composure in front of goal
Walters (7) - very solid, tactical genious, showed good pace at times
Kitson (6) - much better, looked nervous early on settled well
Baylis (7) - caused Archant lots of problems, final delivery needs to be better
Death* (8) - comanding, chipped in with a goal & a couple of assists
Miller (7) - good all round performance, lovely goal
Miles (6) - showed nice touches again, great back pass
Guzewich (7) - some great team play, needs a goal
Jennings (7) - caused problems in the air, fox in the box for his goal
Oakley (6) - steady, worked well with the rest of the back four
Culling (6) - solid, a couple of computation errors
Cox (6) - calming influence in the centre of defence, sweet drag back
Manley (6) - missed a couple of tackles, but generally a safe pair of feet
Newman (7) - worked very hard for the team, and a great finish for his goal
Blazer (6) - good contribution through the middle part of the game, not ready for 90 mins just yet

Overall Team Rating (8)

Starting to show what we're really made of, a very good squad performance with everyone making a contribution. We stood up to the physical challenge of both the conditions and the opposition and added the killer instinct in front of goal that was missing last time.

Next time out - West Lynn away - bugger.

Head Coach Director of Football Manager
Norwich Hotspur

Monday 14 September 2009

Comfortable Two One

Norwich Hotspur 2 - 1 Norwich Rovers
(Baylis, Cox)

We're off to a winning start with a comfortable 2-1 win over new boys Norwich Rovers.

Baylis lost the toss, very strong wind against and bobbly pitch.

Debuts for Miller, Jennings and Bird.

Experimental new 4-3-3 formation, ala Chelsea.

First half.

Lots of early pressure with no end product, in fact lots of airy fairy swing and a miss shooting in front of goal.

Horrible Kitson mistake, 1-0 down.

More pressure, long throws and whipped corners but no goal.

Abandoned experimental formation for the traditional 4-4-2, much better.

Equaliser - good wriggly work from Guzewich and a great cross, eyes closed point blank header from Baylis 1-1.

Second half.

Now we have the wind.

Even more pressure. Bombarding the Rovers goal.

At last 2-1, toe poke from Cox after a goal mouth mely.

Horrible Culling mistake, let Rovers in but fortunately they didn't capitalise.

More Hotspur pressure but no more goals.

Result never really in doubt, great to start with a win. Happy days.

Doy (6) - fairly solid, some dodgy handling, kicks interesting
Bird (7) - very good debut, long throw will be a real asset
Walters (6) - steady, showed good pace at times
Tink (7) - comanding performance, unlucky not to score thanks to Millers goolies
Kitson (5) - one horrible error led to Rovers goal
Baylis (6) - looked heavy legged, took goal well considering eyes closed
Death (7) - very solid in every way
Miller (7) - good energy, driving force going forward
Miles (6) - showed nice touches, but struggled to make an impact
Guzewich* (8) - some great work around the box, a constant threat, lacked the finishing touch
Jennings (6) - caused problems in the air, another solid debut, more to come
Oakley (6) - struggled with conditions early on then settled into a steady performance
Culling (5) - left back in tricky conditions does play to his strengths
Cox (7) - imposing and Johnny on the spot for the winner
Manley (6) - effective, the archetypal stopper
Newman (6) - lots of energy and commitment

Overall Team Rating (7)

Lack of the killer instinct in front of goal could have been costly and spoilt an otherwise solid team performance - win was well deserved.

Head Coach Director of Football Manager
Norwich Hotspur