Friday 31 October 2008

Hotspur too warm for Watton

Norwich Hotspur 9 - 0 Watton United

We're up and running with 3 points on the board after a crushing defeat of (ex) league leaders Watton Utd. The league website has the following headline and report.

"Hotspur too warm for Watton
Norwich Hotspur inflicted a heavy 9-0 defeat on visitors Watton United. Paul Cushion led the way with a hat trick, Paul Guzewich netted twice and one each from Chris Baylis, Tim Culling, Steve Newman and Ken Blazer."

What a great result, an excellent performance to match and even a clean sheet as the icing on the cake. I think justice was done after they missed, what can only be described as, a dubiously awarded penalty (ahem) at the start of the 2nd half. Other than that travesty of a decision I
thought young Luke Winter did an excellent job as ref also.

What was also pleasing was that everyone in the squad of 16 made a real contribution to game. First mention must go to Big Ken Blazer for opening the score after I asked him to go and do a Rooney for us. The Watton defence didn't have a clue how to handle him with the unusual positions he was occupying for the first 25 minutes, after which they realised that they
probably didn't need to - but the damage was done by then and all credit to him for being in the right place at the right time to flick in the opener with a deft Rooney like header following some great work down the right by Gaz and Guz.

Defensively, we looked very solid with great performances from Larry K, Gaz E and Deathy in the first half with the Chris twins Oakley and Manley picking up the mantra of 'none shall pass' in the 2nd half. Ian as usual commanded the penalty area with authority and was on hand with a couple of 'saves for the camera' when needed. I think Deathy's motivational speeches and quiet positive encouragement certainly help us defenders stay focused - Laurence you were certainly focused on something there for a minute or two in the first half.

Midfield was where the battle was really won. Our wide boys Gazza D and Robinho Baylis ripped Watton to shreds throughout the game and if Guzzy could finish like Big Ken Blazer then the game would have been won long before half time. Robinho even scored with a header (no really), luck truely was on our side. Cushy, Steve and Mark (yes Deathy it's Mark, not Mick. Micky was their No.6) were busy in the middle and covered alot of ground shutting down Watton and getting forward to support the attack with Cushy chipping in with a hat-trick of quality finishes and Steve also showing Gerrard like energy to burst into the area late on with a calm
finish. Mention also to Tim for saving Robinho's embarrassment by doing what all great wide players do and getting in on the back post to 'shin in' a crossshot from our fleet footed Brazilianesque wingmaster.

Despite not wearing his 'made in the USA rootin tootin shootin boots', Guz caused them lots of problems up-front as usual and still managed to bag a couple to remain leading goalscorer. Jason came on in the 2nd half with the impossible task of filling Big Ken Rooney's boots, but worked really hard and was unlucky not to find himself on the scoresheet.

Overall a thoroughly enjoyable afternoons work, that will strike fear into the rest of the division, with this and the last game proving that we are a match for anyone.

Next we turn our attention to the cup with an away trip to Cromer on the 26th. Despite Deathy's excellent suggestion of going up the night before, I think the likelihood will be that we need to be meeting up and getting away by 12.15pm as it is a 2pm kickoff.

Come on you Spurs!

Head Coach Director of Football Manager
Norwich Hotspur

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